Lecture Title: Mechanical Properties of Epoxy Composites Subjected to Quasi-static/dynamic Loadings
Prof. Weifu Sun
Beijing Institute of Technology, China
Since Dr Sun was awarded PhD degree from University of New South Wales (Australia) in
December of 2012, he subsequently pursued postdoctoral training at the University of New
South Wales, University of Sydney, University of Birmingham and University College London,
prior to joining Beijing Institute of Technology in 2018 as a full Professor. His main research
areas involve nanomechanics, particle science and technology, and relationship between
microstructure and materials properties, including computer simulations of nanoparticle
behaviours and experimental studies on nanomaterials for energy applications. So far, he has
authored more than 70 international journal papers and am in charge of National Young 1000
Talents Program of China, NSFC, Project of National Key R&D Program of China, etc and has
been granted 2021 ICCES Outstanding Young Researcher Award, 2020 IAAM Medal
(International Association of Advanced Materials) and 2022 IAAM Fellow.